
The Ombudsman wishes to clarify evidence he gave earlier today when appearing before the Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee.

He was asked by the Hon. Mr Koutsantonis in relation to enquiries made by his Office into use of data by the government, ‘You have found corruption, maladministration or misconduct and referred it to OPI?’. The Ombudsman responded, ‘Yes’.

While it is true that the Ombudsman has referred a matter of potential corruption, maladministration or misconduct to the Office for Public Integrity, the Ombudsman did not intend to indicate that he had formally ‘found’ that corruption, maladministration or misconduct had occurred. As is clear from the totality of the Ombudsman’s evidence at the hearing, no conclusions have been made in that regard, only that there are concerns that needed to be referred to OPI for assessment.

The Ombudsman had also advised the Committee that the Premier’s Office had been informed of the Ombudsman’s inquiries.  However, that is not the case; only the Department of the Premier and Cabinet had been made of aware of the Ombudsman’s inquiries.

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