Read a selection of the Ombudsman’s Freedom of Information external review determinations.

These determinations show the types of external reviews regularly conducted by the Ombudsman, and provide insight into the Ombudsman’s interpretation of the Freedom of Information Act 1991.


Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (2018/09937) (PDF, 215.9 KB)
Consideration of public interest, adverse effect on business affairs, prejudice future supply of information to government.


Department for Innovation and Skills (2019/01255) (PDF, 379.3 KB)
Consideration of clauses 1(1) and 6(1) of Schedule 1 of the FOI Act.

Department of Treasury and Finance (Safework SA) (2018/11929) (PDF, 154.5 KB)
Consideration of clauses 6(1) and 12(1). Application of section 271(3)(a) of Work Health and Safety Act 2012 with the FOI Act.

Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (2018/10751) (PDF, 429.3 KB)
Consideration of clause 7 and 13.


Department for Health and Wellbeing (2019/00115) (PDF, 304.2 KB)
Consideration of clause 1 and 9.

Department of Treasury and Finance (2018/09633) (PDF, 469.2 KB)
Consideration of whether document forms part of Cabinet deliberations or decision making.


Department of Treasury and Finance (2019/02113) (PDF, 343.9 KB)
Consideration of clauses 1, 6 and 17.


Department of Treasury and Finance (2019/00516) (PDF, 315.6 KB)

Department of Treasury and Finance (Safework SA) (2019/02612) (PDF, 125.4 KB)
Consideration of application of s271 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012.


Department of Human Services (2019/02090) (PDF, 143.7 KB)
Consideration of clause 5.


Department of Human Services (2019/02090) (PDF, 143.7 KB)
Need for agency to justify its determination, agency conduct by inappropriately providing the Ombudsman's provisional report to the media.