Read a selection of the Ombudsman’s Freedom of Information external review determinations.

These determinations show the types of external reviews regularly conducted by the Ombudsman, and provide insight into the Ombudsman’s interpretation of the Freedom of Information Act 1991.


Department for Correctional Services (2014/07824) (PDF, 62.5 KB)


District Council of Tumby Bay (2014/08201; 2014/08276; 2014/08277; 2014/08278; 2014/08279) (PDF, 85.3 KB)
Review of a determination to refuse to deal with applications on the basis that they formed part of a pattern of conduct that amounted to an abuse of the right of access or were made for a purpose other than to obtain access.


Urban Renewal Authority (2014/05108) (PDF, 65.1 KB)

Department of the Premier and Cabinet (2014/08666; 2014/08667) (PDF, 62.7 KB)


Department of the Premier and Cabinet (2015/00806) (PDF, 1.0 MB)


Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (2015/01069) (PDF, 63.2 KB)


Department for Correctional Services (2015/05502) (PDF, 1.3 MB)